Our Marriage Ministry
Marriage ministry keeps your marriage centered on God
Marriage ministry provides accountability as you meet with other couples who are also seeking marital greatness
Marriage ministry helps you realize that achieving greatness in your marriage takes work
Other Ministries
A ministry is a calling. We believe God called us to each of our ministries, particularly our Marriage Ministry. It is our belief that marriage is God’s primary institution for salvation of the world through the generations.

Pearson's Scripture Ministry
Pearson provides regular thematic Bible commentary on hot topics of today with an opportunity for personal feedback. If interested, email him at pliddell8@gmail.com to be added to his growing list of participants.

Retirement Life 101
Pepper's Healthy Living Ministry
Daily Dose Sunday
Life doesn’t stop when you retire. You simply shift gears from working for someone else (or even yourself) in order to earn a living to doing the things that give you joy. Service to others through the calling that God has given you will give you the ultimate joy.
To be prepared for retirement you should plan wisely, both financially and physically; and of course have your spiritual life in balance. Check out our healthy living Ministry for tips. Then sign up for the scripture Ministry for spiritual support. These ministries go hand in hand as you enter the Golden senior years of your life.
We give regular tips on Instagram to help you maximize your Retirement Life.
Healthy food and regular exercise are critical to be your best self during the best years of your life. We believe it is essential for your life enjoyment, particularly in your senior years.
Of course, you hear this everywhere… eat right and exercise. But are you doing it? Are you realizing it as a truth to guide your life? We want to help you. It is a part of the Ministry God has called us to. Check out our regular tips on Instagram on staying focused on you! You have one body to care for. Love it!
You can feed on these reels all week for your daily dose of spiritual nutrition. These mini reels posted weekly provide small nuggets of Bible lessons from church each Sunday. Contact us if you want further edification.