Authors of "Intimates, Roommates, or Enemy Combatants?"
Intimates, Roommates, or Enemy Combatants?
The Liddell's have been marriage ministry leaders for over 30 of their 45 years of marriage. Pearson and Pepper met in law school. They practiced law together, taught business law subjects and authored numerous professional publications as they both served as professors at Mississippi State University where they are now Emeritus Professors. They raised seven children together, have 10 grandchildren, seven grand dogs, one grand cat, and one grand bearded dragon.They have a unique perspective on the needs of married couples derived not just from this ministry, but through pre marital counseling as an ordained minister (Pearson) to perform marriage ceremonies. They are passionate about the need for marriage ministry.
Click the link below for their full bio:
Click the link below to watch their Dr.Phil appearance: